
Marbles and standard surface finishes

Polishing, with the classic mirror effect, is the main finishing process for the slabs produced by Sa.Ge.Van. Marmi, alike the smoothing through abrasion and the opaque or semi-polished finishing. Surface finishing processes are necessary to exalt the aesthetic and technical features of any material. The polished and smooth slabs are usually used for inside covering and flooring, as well as for the sink, table, kitchen and bathroom counter and other furnishing object finishing. The other standard finishing processes are done on marble slabs, preferably, with a minimum thickness of 3 cm. As a matter of fact, they are surface finishing ones which are adapt for marbles and thicknesses that can resist the impact with toothed head (bush hammering) and the following brushing of bush hammered surfaces (antique-effect treatment). The slab finishing, which can be seen here, is done mechanically by Sa.Ge.Van. Marmi. Finishing such as bush hammering and antique-effect treatments, which create a slightly corrugated surface, are often requested for external covering instead, thanks to the anti-slipping characteristics they give to the material and for which they are used also on tiles or slabs for floors and steps. For what concerns the processing, the bush hammering can be done in two ways: manually or by using a machine. Traditionally, the bush hammering was done with a special hammer called bush hammer whose head made of hardened steel has small and crammed pyramidal or cone tips. The stone cutter artisan, by hammering repeatedly the stone elements with a certain thickness, obtained an irregular surface with the typical “rough” and natural appearance, which varies according to the size of the tip. Today, hand-made bush hammering has disappeared essentially, because it is difficult and expensive, due to the very long working time above all. This is why that kind of finishing is obtained through the use of appropriate mechanical machines almost exclusively.
Antique finish
Antique finish
Fine bush hammering
Fine bush hammering
Honed finish
Honed finish
Midsize bushing hammering
Midsize bushing hammering
Polished finish
Polished finish