
Covelano Gold

Covelano Gold. White background with gold veins and coarse, resistant grain which makes it suitable also for use in exteriors. The blocks are approx 3.00x1.50x1.50m in size. This marble is extremely highly-valued and available in limited quantities. Suitable for all surface finish types.

The physical and mechanical characteristics of the Covelano Gold

EN 1936-07 Apparent density Kg/m³ 2710 5,16
EN 1936-07 Open porosity % 0,4 0,05
EN 12372-07 Flexural strenght under concentrated load (in natural conditions) MPa 12,5 1,3
EN 12371-03 (exposed to 12 frost cycles) (exposed to 48 frost cycles) MPa MPa 10,2 11,5 1,3 1,3
EN 14231-04 Slip resistance: polished finish (Dry) polished finish (Wet) honed finish (Dry) honed finish (Wet) USVR USVR USVR USVR 47 6 48 14 5 1 10 4
ASTM C97-09 Absorption % 0,10
ASTM C97-09 Bulk Specific Gravity Pound/ft³ Kg/m³ 169.50 2715
ASTM C1353 Abrasion Ha 10,11 0,72
ASTM C880-09 Flexural Strenght psi MPa Dry 2.131,5 Dry 14,70 449 3,1 Wet 1.725,5 Wet 11,90 363 2,5
ASTM C99-09 Modulus of Rupture psi MPa Dry 1.769,0 Dry 12,20 127 0,88 Wet 1.638,5 Wet 11,30 63 0,44
ASTM C170-09 Compressive Strenght psi MPa Dry 13.191 Dry 91 1.991 13,73 Wet 12.470 Wet 86 1.714 11,82